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  Wuxi Suda New Material Technology Co., Ltd , is a professional factory which produces copolymer coated steel/stainless steel/aluminum/copper/semi-conductive aluminum tape and EAA film for cable industry. It is founded in 2003 with over 80 employees including 15 technicians, located in Wuxi city, which is about one hour’s drive to Shanghai port.Our company has total 4 units blasting film machines and 7 lamination production lines and 9 slitting machines, and advanced test facilities for raw material and finished products inspection. Annual production output is more than 30000 tons ...


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Product Description Copolymer coated aluminum tape applies for shielding and moisture barrier for copper pair cables. It consists of an aluminum tape coated on one side or both sides with an adheren…

Copolymer Coated Aluminum Tape

Product Description Copolymer coated steel tape consists of steel tape coated on one side or both sides with an adherent ethylene copolymer. The copolymer exhibits excellent adhesion to the steel sub…

Copolymer Coated Aluminum

Product Description Copolymer coated copper tape applies for medium and high voltage power cables as a shield/moisture barrier as a moisture/ chemical barrier for cable core, it consists of a copper …

Copolymer Coated Aluminum Tape

Aluminum polyester tape made of aluminum foil and polyester film. PET film provides electrical insulation and high mechanical strength. Advantage ◆ Low cost, professional production process ◆ …

Copolymer Coated Copper Tape

Aluminum polyester tape provides conductivity and electromagnetic insulation. PET film provides electrical insulation and high mechanical strength. About 100 ℃,EAA hotmelt resin has good result to P…

ALu PET tape (EAA)



  2016年5月18日,在這個(gè)春夏之交陽(yáng)光明媚的好日子里,江蘇大學(xué)與無(wú)錫市速達電訊材料有限公司“全面技術(shù)合作”協(xié)議簽約,暨“無(wú)錫市層狀復合材料工程技術(shù)研究中心”揭牌儀式在此舉行。與會(huì )者包括:江蘇大學(xué)校長(cháng)程曉農校長(cháng),制造研究院院長(cháng):王勻院長(cháng);盧藝祺、張贇、張…


Add: 8 XueFeng Road,, BinHu District, WuXi, JiangSu, China.

Tel: 86 510-85181198 Fax: 86 510-85190502 Web: www.hntglobaltra.com P.C: 214125

QiYang.Yuan  China Sales Director

M.P: 86 135-0618-0288

E-mail: sales@wxsuda.com

Copyright ? 2016 Wuxi Suda New Material Technology Co., Ltd. All rights Reserved Copyright may not be used without permission, reproduced excerpts. Su ICP 05008124
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